Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Researching for dissertation on the effects of drama series like Grey's Anatomy, on personal and social lives of audiences. Any thoughts to the related topic?

NEW RESEARCH QUESTION: How has the nature of the audiences significantly changed after the birth of the Internet?


  1. I believe people can identify with the persons in the shows, and try to handle accordingly in their own lives. It can be helpful in the sense that it can give you new ideas and thoughts about your own life/work/relationships... however people should be very careful because these shows are often not very realistic and reactions in the shows might not be the same in real life. Their wholes lives are presented in a couple of minutes/hours and there can never be enough details to compare it with real life...

  2. Do you think the narration in the shows, i mean the voice overs by the characters in the beginning and end of the episode has a message?

  3. Bela said:I think soap opera and drama series attract people..I watch some of them and think they are realistic..some episodes helped me understand how to deal with a problem in my life.They usually carry meaning and many messages with there narration and storyline.I enjoy all the different emotions and at times I schedule my time to watch them.

  4. The idea of the narration is to make us instantly think, instantly feel... it also gives us an idea of what the episode is going to be about. Meredith (or anyone really) doing her voice over isn't about good TV, it's about connecting with the audience.

  5. I completely agree. Have you had any experiences where an episode has helped you to deal with a personal or social issue? After watching it, your idea about something changed?

  6. I think every narration definetly does have a meaning. Over this past few week I have been going through a big change in my life and The narration from the season 4 premiere "A change Is Gonna Come" really helped me to see everything in a new way. The other quote that helped me a lot was the narration from "Time After Time." So, I really think that the narration is meant to help people, and to compare the things that happen in the show to real life.

  7. I experienced something similar as well. Can you share your experience if that's not a problem with you? I believe that these TV series aren't just a pass time for people. Many times its more than that and people don'd get addicted and keep watching the show only because they're curious. Watching the show actually helps them in some way or the other. Do you agree?

  8. well i have been going to a summer camp for my entire life and this is my first summer as a counselor. i freaked out a little bit before i came to camp and was trying to decide weather or not i should come back next summer then i heard the quote from "Time After Time" : "At some point we all have to choose: do we fall back on what we know, or do we step forward to something new? It's hard not to be haunted by our past. Our history is what shapes us... what guides us." and that quote made me realize that even if I do choose not to come to camp next summer, I will have something new to do, and have a new history, but will always have a past.

    the other quote that helped me was the one from "Change is Gonna Come": "Change; we don’t like it, we fear it, but we can't stop it from coming. We either adapt to change or we get left behind. And it hurts to grow, anybody who tells you it doesn’t is lying. But heres the truth: the more things change, the more they stay the same. And sometimes, oh, sometimes change is good. Oh, sometimes, change is ... everything." That made me realize that change is always gonna happen and we can't stop it so we just have to flow with it. The combination of those 2 quotes have helped me a lot to be able to do what I'm doing, and to be able to be a counselor without being scared of what's gonna happen, and to just flow with this big change.

  9. Thank you for sharing your experience. Do you also actively participate in the activities on the official website of grey's Anatomy or other forums?

  10. Bela: I participate reading posts on message boards and blogs sometimes. after watching so many seasons, the show and characters start feeling like a part of your life. its interesting to read people's views and experiences. i think its good that audiences have so many options today to be able to discuss their views and not jus sit and watch episodes and take nothing from it. if one invests time in watching them, i believe there should be some good out of it.. one should remember and learn from the meaning portrayed in episode.

  11. That's an interesting idea. Thank you for your post, its really helpful to know others opinions.
    Do you think these personal sites for the show has anything to do with marketing?

  12. I think these websites attract people and create an energy, bringing out the passion in people. Since it brings people together to talk about particular character and episodes, i think it does have something to do with good marketing of the show. Internet being the most commonly used media today, it becomes tempting for people to see and participate in message boards and blogs online.

  13. Have you been on the official Grey's anatomy website? How do you use it?

  14. Yes on and off I do. I watch certain scenes on the website and also enjoy the interviews they have. I would like to share an experience that I had from the show. One of the episodes where Derek and Meredith split up, in fact most of the times when they do, Meredith has this positive energy around her, not letting her work and life getting affected by it. She shares her little pain with Christina but handles the situation with grace and dignity. The same way, when Adison (Derek's ex wife) suddenly appears in Seattle Grace Hospital, she tells " Meridith, If there's any chance he still wants me, i'm not leaving. But if doesn't, then I don't want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with me." The two characters strength and confidence always made me realise the importance of self respect and dignity. I think the way these dialogues and characters express these emotions, have a direct connection with your life.

  15. I have felt quite similar to you. Thank you for sharing your experience. What according to you has changed with new media (internet)?

  16. I think new media has taken the media in general to another level. People watch and download shows before they are aired on the television. It seems like a whole new world. However, I feel Internet audience and television audience have merged in a way (except the older generation who dont use the internet). I think these shows and the rest of the media are progressing. The Grey's Anatomy website has a section called 'healing with love' , where fans and audiences can actually ask questions about life and problems and Dr.Sydney Heron answers them. That shows that the world behind the screen is now a part of the world in front of the screen, with actors communicating and participating in discussions with the audiences.

  17. Right. That sure gives some perspective. What do you think of the standards of soap operas/tv series in general?

  18. The standard depends from country to country,some audiences like dramatic shows , some like drama only to an the writers have to provide content accordingly.A soap opera involves multiple perspectives.There is no single
    ‘hero’ and the wide range of characters in soaps offers viewers a great ...story unusual,managing aesthic elements

  19. Would you classify soap operas as women's programs?

  20. No. there are different programs catered for different people..sometimes the characters attract either men or women, sometimes the story line does. however, both men and women can find and have found a connection with many programs.

  21. Alright. Thank you for your reply. What according to you is 'that extra' fans get from discussing programs online?

  22. today most fans around the world have a completely different enviornment around them. most of them are educated and have opinions. therefore they are not satisfied with watching shows and switching off the television and going to bed. they log on to various websites and discuss what they have seen on different episodes with other fans and share their thoughts. also, i think they have become curious to know what other fans thinks of a particular issue in a show. for example, issues like adultry, adoption and other conflicts. that is 'the extra' they need. there could be much more to this though.

  23. Interesting. Thank You! Why do you think producers feel the need to have websites with various features for each show?

  24. By various features-I guess you mean like games or contests, or sneak previews? These are marketing gimmicks, and serve to strengthen the show's fan following.

  25. Thank you for your comment. Do you think the modern fans feel that this interaction between them and the show is a necessity?

  26. Like you mentioned earlier, producers feel the need to have websites with various features, this is because everybody is doing it, and if they don't-they get left behind. Fans come to expect this form of interaction as well. As a fan you feel more involved if you are participating or using these features.

  27. I think websites are mailny to build a relationship with the audiences, thats probably why producers have gone all out to create a new forum. Fans have started to feel that they have to be up-to-date with whats going on around them and therefore also interact with the show online.
